Conquer mealtime mania, save money, gain kitchen confidence, & reclaim your time by learning the invaluable life skill of meal prep!


Conquer mealtime mania, save money, gain kitchen confidence, & reclaim your time by learning the invaluable life skill of meal prep!

Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve had a long, busy day and by the time dinner rolls around, you’re left staring blankly at the fridge, too exhausted to figure out what to cook.

  • The last thing you want to do is to scramble for a meal that everyone will enjoy, and that familiar wave of frustration washes over you.

  • You roll your eyes as guilt sets in—here you are, faced with another takeout decision.

  • You’re tired of wasting food that’s been sitting in your fridge for days and dealing with the constant stress of deciding what’s for dinner.

  • You wish mealtime could be easier—something that brings joy instead of stress. 

You’re not alone in this!

So many of us face the same struggle, trying to juggle work, family, and taking care of ourselves while still wanting to put a nourishing meal on the table. It’s so easy to fall into the takeout trap, and trust me when I tell you, it’s not your fault!

Life is busy, and the thought of meal prep can feel overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be that way!


Say goodbye to the daily stress of deciding what to cook and the guilt of wasted groceries.

Have more time to focus on the things you love, whether it's spending time with family, pursuing a hobby, or simply relaxing.

Feel amazing from the inside out, knowing that you're feeding your body (and your family’s), wholesome, nourishing, homemade meals.


Modern Meal Prep

My signature, self-paced online course designed to transform your relationship with cooking and mealtime. With over 20 engaging video modules, you’ll learn the essential building blocks of meal prep and how to create a routine that truly sticks. You’ll learn the tips and tactics to create a functional kitchen space you love, empowering you to create delicious, nourishing meals with confidence and ease.

  • “I was definitely curious about meal prep - I thought it was prepping the same meals everyday like body builders do. I wasn’t sure how it would work with kids. Now I know that’s not true and I can make meal prep work for me and the kids! That was probably my biggest takeaway - that you don’t have to eat the same thing everyday, consistency is key!”

    Laura E., Hoboken, New Jersey

  • “Elia completely changed my mindset about meal prepping. It's become a staple part of my routine and has made dinnertime for my family so much easier.”

    Lucie Fink, NYC

  • “Elia is so helpful. I love all of her recipes. If you're thinking about working with her, it was so helpful. You go into the week prepared. You don’t have to wonder what's for dinner tonight. I know so many women and moms struggle with that and it's just done for you!”

    Molly Lupo, Omaha, Nebraska

  • “Elia gave me a newfound sense of confidence in the kitchen and took the stress out of figuring out what's for dinner every night.”

    Mackenzie Sandler, NYC

  • “Elia was a god send during a time of physical and mental change in my life! She brought order to my home and taught me how to realistically look at my week and prep. She empowered me to show up for myself and help demystify the notion that meal prep is too hard, too boring, not for busy people! Communication, async support was great, she even helped me with recipes that will keep me on track and top of my weight loss goals!.”

    Yvonna G., New York, New York

And here’s the exciting part…

You won’t be on this journey alone! You’ll get to enjoy personalized one-on-one coaching calls with me, scheduled at your convenience. Together, we’ll tackle your challenges and celebrate your successes, making the experience not only empowering but also fun.

By the end of the course, you won’t just have a meal prep routine that sticks—you’ll feel invigorated, confident, and excited to enjoy cooking again.

Have questions? Book a complimentary Chef’s Chat with me!

  • Modern Meal Prep is more than just a culinary skills cooking course, it’s a transformative experience where you’ll gain practical meal prep techniques but also a newfound sense of empowerment and control over your daily routines.

    • Personalized meal prep coaching and guidance from yours truly —NYC’s favorite meal prep chef!

    • Immediate AND lifetime access to the course, featuring over 20 engaging video modules

    • Two one-on-one coaching calls that you can schedule at your convenience so it fits seamlessly into your busy life.

    • Exclusive access to all my recorded sessions, live workshops, and classes, featuring sessions hosted by myself, or collaborating with guest coaches on topics like nutrition, executive functioning, picky eating, organizing and more.

    • PLUS tons of templates + resources to help make meal planning & prepping easier and less stressful

  • Imagine waking up each morning knowing your meals are taken care of regardless of the chaos life may throw your way!

    Imagine opening your fridge stocked with nutritious, delicious, and simple meals that are table-ready in minutes.

    Imagine saying goodbye to boring, bland, and time-consuming nightly cooking routines and saying hello to a world of nourishing and convenient meal options that the whole family can enjoy together at the dinner table!

  • You have the option to make a one-time payment of $1,111.00 up front, or three monthly payments of $407.00.

You may have tried these other meal prep solutions in the past…

Meal Prepping on Your Own

  • The first roadblock you encounter when trying to meal prep on your own is finding the time to cook, because duh, you’re busy working and living life.

    Then there’s the trial and error of figuring out how much food to make for your family, what to cook so everyone’s happy, and how to keep everyone from getting bored during the week.

    Maybe you have the time and know what to cook but don’t have the skill set and confidence to cook the new recipes you found.

    What about all the planning that is necessary leading up to the prep, or the motivation to do the prep? How do you stay consistent when you’re tempted daily with Seamless discounts and the heavenly smell of pizza on your way home from work?

    Does this cycle sound at all familiar?

  • If you’re ready to say goodbye to the never ending cycle of buying food, attempting to cook it, wasting said food, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed it’s time to reevaluate your priorities!

    Together we’ll shorten your timeline and teach you the foundation of how to meal prep in a way that sticks for life! You don’t have to go on this journey alone. Having me by your side will give you the motivation and accountability you need stay consistent and successful.

Meal Delivery Kits & Lots of Takeout

  • Being that we live in a health obsessed world, it’s ironic that takeout and meal delivery kits don’t allow you much control of the ingredient quality.

    Another issue is the cost of such services, talking mostly about takeout here. But many of the meal delivery kits aren’t set up to feed families larger than 4 people and don’t even offer larger portions for hungrier smaller families. So is it even worth it if you leave dinner still hungry after all the work you put in to cook the meal?

    The menu options might seem vast at first but after several months, you get bored just like with your fave takeout spots in the hood! It’s all the same.

    Another huge problem with meal delivery kits is that you still have to cook them and make a plan to eat them throughout the week.

    The recipe that was supposed to take you 30 minutes but took you more, they sent way too many of those mini condiment bottles (that are currently forgotten in the back corner of the fridge), the kitchen is a mess, nobody ate the food, and now you are annoyed and exhausted. But guess what?!

    You don’t have to wake up and do it all again the tomorrow! I can help!

  • First things first…be sure to cancel your meal delivery kit for next week, you won’t be needing that anymore!

    Now let me tell you why meal kits and takeout don’t work and why MMP does!

    MMPers reserve takeout for the weekend or special occasions because they’ve learned how to use what they have already at home (that’s already been paid for) to create a meal that makes them feel 10X better than takeout & tastes way better too!

    Grocery budgets can feel challenging but, in MMP they feel like you won the olympic gold medal!

    When meal prep becomes a part of your daily routine, it stops feeling like a chore and becomes something you can be excited about and, dare I say, even FUN!

    Food made with love is the ultimate act of self care one can give to themselves, their families, and the planet. If you’re someone who is health conscious, wants to cook + eat at home, & genuinely enjoys food you absolutely CAN and SHOULD be meal prepping. Join MMP today!

Saving Endless Recipes

  • You've pinned and saved easy week night recipes every single day, but they don't ever make it to your dinner table.

    The issue with saving millions of recipes and sifting through them later is still the feelings of overwhelm and decision fatigue. The same problems you started with! Also, did you forget about your busy schedule? When is the cooking getting done?

    Pinning recipes and saving Instagram posts doesn’t actually teach you the skills necessary to meal prep for life.

    Meal Prep is a life skill you need to be taught how to do within the parameters of your life, practice, and then be able to master for life!

    Recipe writers assume you know the cooking techniques and have all the ingredients but if you are a novice cook just exploring meal prep you will end up buying lots of expensive unnecessary ingredients that won’t get used ever again. They’ll take up space in your kitchen and you’ll likely get lost in the directions, mess up, and ruin the recipe, feeling like a failure in the end.

    Let me just say it’s not YOU that’s a failure, it’s just the way you are going about it that isn’t working.

  • if you are novice cook you will need a recipe, but start with recipes that you know are tried and true, that are simplified, and easy to follow with few ingredients. And my recipes are just that.

    Working with someone like me, a mealprep coach, who can steer you in the right direction for recipes, meal ideas, ingredient swaps, etc. will already put you ahead of someone who was trying to do it alone, because i’ve already done this work myself. I have tons of cookbooks but I never look at them for meal planning because it’s too much.

Modern Meal Prep

is for you if you…

Are looking to maximize your time with loved ones

Want to take control of your health

Are ready to love and appreciate how meal prep can change your life

Want to eliminate daily mealtime decision fatigue

Are seeking ways to level up at mealtime

Are sick and tired of wasting food week after week

is for you if you…

Modern Meal Prep

Are looking to maximize your time with loved ones

Want to take control of your health

Are ready to love and appreciate how meal prep can change your life

Want to eliminate daily mealtime decision fatigue

Are seeking ways to level up at mealtime

Are sick and tired of wasting food week after week

The Process

  • If you have questions about the course, you can fill out a short questionnaire and book a complimentary Chef’s Chat with me, via this link. We will chat about what you’re struggling with, what you and your family’s needs are, and see if the course is the right fit for you.

    Alternatively, if you’re ready to take the next step, you can sign up for the course directly here!

  • After our Chef’s Chat, you’ll receive a recap email from me about everything we discussed in the call and why the course is the best option for you. I’ll provide you with the links to create your account and sign up for the program.

  • After signing up, you’ll receive a personalized welcome email from me that will contain information for getting started with Modern Meal Prep, such as accessing the course, and how to book your two one-on-one coaching calls!

    There is no pressure to book the coaching calls, it’s completely up to you if you want to book them – however please know that bookings must be made within 3 months of purchase.

    Feeling overwhelmed and can’t quite figure out what to talk about in our coaching calls? That is perfectly ok (and totally normal). I’ll also provide you with some ideas and pointers of what we can discuss, to get you feeling motivated and empowered, and kickstart your meal prep journey!

  • As mentioned, you receive LIFETIME access to this course, so it truly is ‘learn at your own pace’. I created it this way because I want it to be a fun and enjoyable experience for you – I don’t want you feeling stressed about trying to complete the course, whilst also feeling the stress from your busy life.

  • You completed the program, and now meal prep feels effortless. You’ve mastered practical techniques that fit seamlessly into your busy life, and you have a repertoire of easy, delicious meals made from ingredients you already have on hand. Takeout is no longer the default because you’re equipped with tools to make meal planning a breeze. Food waste? A thing of the past. Every ingredient in your kitchen has a purpose, and you’ve learned that eating well doesn’t mean spending hours cooking. It means enjoying your time in the kitchen, confidently creating meals you love, and taking care of yourself and your family with ease.

Are you ready to….

Transform the way you approach mealtime? 

Say goodbye to the stress of last-minute dinner decisions, guilt of wasted food, & the takeout trap?

Take control of your kitchen & make cooking feel more like a joy instead of a hassle?

Feel your best with wholesome, nourishing, homemade meals?

With my Modern Meal Prep course, you'll gain the skills, confidence, and tools to make meal prep a breeze, no matter how busy life gets. Let’s make your kitchen a place of joy, creativity, and nourishment—together! There’s so much mental load in your daily life, why not let Modern Meal Prep take some of that decision fatigue off your plate (pun intended)! 


Join Modern Meal Prep today and start transforming your kitchen, your meals, and your life!