I used to hate leftovers too.

Embracing Leftovers: How To Change Your Mindset Around Meal Prep

When working on learning or embracing a new a meal prep routine, a common obstacle is the dislike for "leftovers." Many people envision dull, reheated meals that can't compete with the allure of freshly cooked dinners every evening. Trust me, I understand – I used to share that sentiment about leftovers too!

Growing up, my experience with packed lunches shaped my distaste for leftovers. I vividly remember the lunches my parents would pack for me: frozen bread or pita with cream cheese that had thawed by midday, or pita with Nutella that lost its appeal after hours in my backpack.

The result? I tossed my lunch in the trash daily, hungry and unimpressed.

By the time dinner rolled around at home, I was often already full from snacking and uninterested in eating what I perceived as "old" food - even if it had been cooked just a few hours before. Leftovers were a big NO for me, well into my adulthood.

However, fast forward to today, my perspective on leftovers has done a complete 180. I now frequently savor meals I once dismissed as "leftovers," and meal prep has firmly established itself as a crucial foundation of my cooking routine.

What changed?

It’s all about changing your mindset.

I realized that meal prep is essentially about making delicious food in advance and finding ways to enjoy it just as much when it’s reheated.

Meal prep isn't just about reheating the same dish multiple times. It's learning the life skill of planning and being creative so that you can transform your relationship with food. I began intentionally choosing recipes that tasted even better after a day or two, and I discovered the art of meal prepping and freezing dishes before their final cook-off. For example, pulling out a homemade lasagna from the freezer and baking it to perfection makes it feel like a Sunday dinner without the hours of preparation.

Now, I embrace leftovers because I make sure to cook and teach others how to prepare meals that retain their flavor and quality when reheated. This shift in mindset transformed my relationship with meal prep and leftovers alike. Meal Prep is just another word for glorified leftovers.

I like to think of leftovers as your food getting a makeover, with a new sauce or a new flavor bomb, you’ve got a whole new meal. The more you practice the skill of being creative and trying new things with leftovers the better you get which makes leftovers even more fun and exciting!

The key takeaway?

If you keep good food in your fridge, you'll naturally eat good food. It's all about planning ahead and preparing meals with care and consideration for how they will taste when enjoyed later.

If you're ready to transform your outlook on leftovers and want to make your life easier with meal prep, here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Choose tried and true recipes to start: look for recipes that say they’re freezer-friendly, or include re-heating tips.

  2. Embrace the freezer: Prep meals in advance and freeze them for later. This allows you to enjoy homemade meals without the hassle of cooking every day.

  3. Get creative with "leftover makeovers": Use leftovers as ingredients for new dishes. Turn yesterday's roasted chicken into a flavorful chicken salad or transform leftover rice into fried rice.

  4. Invest in quality storage containers: Good containers keep food fresh and prevent it from becoming soggy or losing its texture and flavor. You know I love my stasher bags for this!

Remember, meal prep is a game-changer that can save you time, money, and stress while helping you eat better and more nourishing foods that make you feel good. So, let's ditch the leftovers stigma and start enjoying delicious meals every day!

Don’t where to get started? Grab my E-book - Everything But The Kitchen Sink and schedule a FREE chef’s chat to learn how I can help you embrace leftovers, too!

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